Military Club
Sponsor: Jeremy Lee
Salem Military Club
SMC is a club that encompasses students that have interest in joining the Armed Forces and students who just want to support those in the Armed Forces. We are painting murals along the ISS hallway for every branch of service. Spearheaded by Junior Emily Pierce with Sydney Durbin and Ebonie Humphrey helping out. We have sent a care package overseas to deployed soldiers. We send cards to Salem nursing home residents during Christmas. During meetings, club members learn about the military. Mainly the Army because that’s the branch I am in. I am SSG in the Indiana Army National Guard. We also have a monthly Military Movie night. Last year we took a field trip to Fort Knox to the General Patton Museum. This year's trips include going back to Fort Knox and the Patton Museum and hopefully working with army recruiters to be able to do the leadership reaction course, obstacle course, and tour Fort Knox. We are also trying to plan a fall/winter trip to Wisconsin Maritime Museum to tour and spend the night on the USS Cobia.