Athletic Trainer

Mallory Myers
Mallory Myers is a BOC certified and Indiana licensed Athletic Trainer. She was born and raised in Columbus, IN where she graduated from Columbus East High School in 2014.
Mallory is a 2018 graduate of the University of Indianapolis (UIndy) where she graduated magna cum lade with a Bachelor’s of Science in Athletic Training. During her time at UIndy, she had the opportunity to work and gain clinical experience with athletes at UIndy, Butler University, Marian University, Roncalli High School, Plainfield High School, Lawrence North High School, Brownsburg High School and Center Grove High School. Mallory is also the recipient of the Charles W. and Maryrose Dill Award and the Charles D. VanMeter Athletic Training Performance Award given through the University of Indianapolis.
Mallory is employed through Schneck Medical Center in Seymour, IN and became the Athletic Trainer at Salem High School in June 2018. Since coming to Salem, Mallory has enjoyed getting to know her athletes and their families and loves getting to work with and cheer on each and every one of them