Hoping to help students get basic items they need, Salem Middle School has started a Cubs Closet. Counselors Brennyn Roby, Caitlin Ellis and school nurse Alyson Cook came up with the idea because they saw a big need for kids who don’t have the same necessities. Ellis saw the idea on TikTok.
They started working on the project last May, but never had the chance to get it going before school was out. Cubs Closet was created by asking local businesses for donations and sending out flyers.
Ellis said it has been going really well. “Like the emoji with the 100!” she said. The kids are really excited about it. They have about five or six regulars that come in everyday but average about 25 kids who benefit from the items. Dare to Care is providing food items for the closet.
The counselors said studies show if students have everyday essentials they are more than likely to come to school and thrive.
They said one of their biggest challenges was the organization of the closet. They have had trial and error for where to put things or what spot they should be in. SMS Head Janitor Kent Payne has assisted them with the organization of the closet.
The three women want to be able to help the community. They hope that later on they can have open hours after school to help parents, too. They feel this has been a success for them so far.
Any community members who would like to help with the Cubs Closet, either with physical donations or monetarily, may do so at the school’s main office. Questions may be directed to The Care Closet Team at carecloset@salemschools.us.
Items needed are:
Wash Cloths
Microwaveable meals
Grab and Go Snacks
Bottled Water
New Shoes
Feminine Products
Sweatpants of all sizes
Sweatshirts of all sizes
Checks and gift cards to purchase essentials for the closet would also be helpful.